
What I Wore Indiana, We’re All for You


November 21, 2010

Tee Shirt: book store
Jacket: free from the NYC YMCA!
Button: vintage
Jeans: c/o Mavi
Boots (not shown): vintage

Indiana Basketball Game

Yesterday I went to the IU vs. Evansville game with Adam and my father-in-law. We had an awesome time and I forgot how much I love IU basketball! Although neither of my parents actually went to Indiana, I was raised in cream and crimson and my Dad took my brother and sister and me to games when we were little. Stepping foot back into Assembly Hall just brings back so many memories. I love it.

I really like trying to be creative when dressing up for sporting events, but since I do have so much red garb on hand, I just threw it all on at once.  Well, not all of it, but I went with my beat up Indiana tee shirt I bought when I was a freshman (it has been through the wash at least a hundred times) and paired it with the jacket I got when I signed up for the NYC YMCA (best free with purchase gift ever!!) and a vintage IU Rose Bowl Pin (1968!)

Check out some of my other IU inspired outfits…

 Homecoming! -  School Spirit Day - Back in Bloom  

