
Honey, I Got Swatches- Urban Decay Lip Love Honey-

Honey, I Got Swatches: Urban Decay Lip Love Honey-Infused Lip Therapy Swatches


Remind me why I didn’t doze off watching Thor last night with El Hub. Oh Coach Purse Outlet Online, yeah… The abs. :) Thank you, Chris Hemsworth, for all of the sit-ups you do. A grateful blogger salutes you!

And how are you doing Coach Factory Outlet Otore, young lady? Did your Friday get off to a good start (I hope so)? Mine started off great, then took a minor detour. I’ll explain more in a minute, but for now, I have kisses! Honey-infused kisses from the Urban Decay Lip Love Honey-Infused Lip Therapy glosses ($16 each). Here are swatches of all five shades. They’re available now at Sephora stores and also online.

Have you given any of these a try? If you have, what did you think? I’m really diggin’ Lolita (of course, I would like the scandalous one Coach Factory Outlet Online, LOL!).

From the left: Stung Coach Factory Outlet, Drizzle, Failbait, Lolita and Taunt

Swatches from the left: Drizzle, Failbait, Taunt, Lolita and Stung






So that detour I mentioned? It happened in the shower about an hour ago. I’d just turned on the water and was about to get in when there was a loud wall-shaking thud (never a good sign) Coach Purse! Suddenly, no more water. Just a steady drip, drip, drip…

Since my plumbing skills only extend as far as I can scratch my head, I thought it best to call a plumber. He should be here soon. In the meantime, I’ll just keep playing with makeup (it’s what I do best). :)

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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