
Details Leak About Lady Gaga’s Upcoming Frag

Details Leak About Lady Gaga’s Upcoming Fragrance, “Fame”

Lady Gaga's
Photo via Lady Gaga on Twitter | Click to enlarge.

Back in January, rumors began swirling about Lady Gaga’s upcoming foray into the perfume business, and now the singer has released details about her new fragrance after they began to leak online.

According to a press release from fragrance giant Coty, the perfume, called “Fame,” will launch in September 2012 and will be released by “the Artist’s own Haus Laboratories in association with Coty.”

A photo Gaga tweeted of the perfume box explains that “Fame” will boast a “black fluid” that sprays on clear, and a scent profile that includes “Tears of belladonna, crushed heart of tiger orchidea with a black veil of incense, pulverized apricot and the combinative essences of saffron and honey drops.”

According to Coty Louis Vuitton handbags, the fragrance is unique and unlike those currently on the market:

“Traditionally, perfumes have a pyramidal structure — a hierarchy of sorts with top, middle and base notes. This fragrance, on the other hand discount coach handbags, has a unique structure called the “push-pull technology Louis Vuitton Outlet,” where the ingredients interact together to highlight different olfactive aspects of each note at the same time Louis Vuitton Bags, without any hierarchy. All of the notes were crafted to work together harmoniously thanks to the complimentary properties of each ingredient Coach Factory Coupon, which allow for a true metamorphosis of the scent when worn on skin.”

Gaga also released an official advertisement for the perfume on her social website, LittleMonsters.com, that gives a hint at the perfume’s promotional materials.

More information on the fragrance is available at the Haus Laboratories website and Coty.com.

Your thoughts?

Are you excited for “Fame”? Will you be purchasing it in September? What do you think of the scent profile – does it sound like something you’d wear? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment.

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